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算一算,我在KL这个“大电视台”参与[绿点]这部星期一至五,早上八点半至五点半(有时还会延长播放时间-_-) 的连续剧里的小角色也演了2年半。说长不长,说短不短, 但这一路来的点点滴滴都已成为难忘的回忆,即使是已离开了一个月,有时还是无法从这角色里抽离,还是很怀念这部剧里的演员们。。
有时,真的觉得人生就像拍戏,只是这是没有NG的戏。 至于要怎样演则凭个人喜好自由发挥。哈哈。。希望自己能演好现在的这个角色吧。。也希望那些还在[绿点]参与演出的朋友们加油!

再见.. 好人..

祝 未来的路,一路好走。。
p/s: 好人难做, 但是好人值得做


好久没有聚在一起了,难得你从英国回来,大家才有机会见面。。虽然只是短短的几个小时,但真的很快乐。。 好像回到中学时代再来一次。。




原本开心的心情突然之间被打乱了。。心好乱。。 就好像咖啡+橙汁 是什么味道?我不知道。。只好借着公事麻木自己压抑自己的情绪。。

2nd Anniversary

This is a good day to remember.. to remember i had stepped into this so called "work force" for 2 years.. and it’s also 2 years with deloitte tax.. it’s great and happy to work with you all.. and i would like to thanks everyone i’ve met.. thx for make me laugh.. thx for make me sad.. thx for make me embarrassed.. thx for make me touch..and  thx for everything.. you guys rock!!

it was just nice to pass the MCTS certification else this would be my nightmare.. haha.. therefore, i’ve rewarded myself a racket (oh.. i can hear my wallet is crying now.. *sweat*)

Earth Day Carnival

Actually i was unaware about this event when i step in Ikano yesterday.. Too bad (or should say luckily) the ALL IT was closed for annual dinner so i got chance to walk around for this carnival.. Well, my mind was relieved from the OT & meeting by just walking around in the carnival.. i was impressed by their creativity to present/deliver the messages to public n raise the public awareness.. nice work!! BTW, i was kinda interested on the eco "tapao" aka take-away container which is biodegradable.. Hope this eco container can replaced the polystyrene container soon..

Forgot to mention, yesterday was Earth Day as well.. By visit this carnival should "count" as celebrate for our Earth gua.. haha.. Anyway, we shouldn’t juz think about or do something for our Earth on 22nd April 1 day ONLY.. Everyday should be the Earth Day!! Just like the theme of the carnival – REUSE, we can start from ourselves.. For instance, reuse the paper.. it just a minor changes in our daily life pratice would save the earth eventually.. Don’t think that is trival then can just ignore it..

Letz start to save the earth from now!







Earth Day Carnival Details

Lenovo/Intel Bowling and F1 Live Watching

Itz fun to join the bowling competition @U-Bowl and F1 live wathing @Good Evening Bankok Restaurant.. yeah.. For me, the bowling noob a.k.a 菜鸟 , this is not a competition at all but itz like playground for me to play play.. LOL.. Btw, 1 thing worth to remember is i got my 1st STRIKE in my life.. haha.. (btw, right hand is a bit shaking now after 3 games.. swt)
After bowling session, we’re moved to da restaurant for a short presentation by Lenovo and Intel before the F1 start.. The food were nice just a bit too spicy for me.. swt.. besides that, they even prepared a small remote control F1 car and track for us to play.. Btw, i was more interested with the display unit of the S20 server (too bad, din managed to open casing to see internal layout).. Anyway, we r not much enjoyed the F1 live but chating and making fun with boss.. 
Then comes to the quiz session when the F1 race was paused due to heavy rain.. This was the most funniest and i was so paiseh where i cant name others F1 teams’ names except Ferrari, McLaren, BMW Sauber, Renault.. swt.. i even answered Honda (OMG, my F1 knowlege still stuck at many years ago.. swt) and kena all da ppl laugh like hell..
The event ended earlier bcoz the F1 juz ended like tat.. btw, we’re "forced" to take photo with the models there.. LOL.. should say we "dare" our boss 1st then end up everyone hav 2 take photo with the 2 lenglui model.. swt.. paiseh sia.. 
Thanks Lenovo for the invitation and Techmex (event organiser) for oganized such a nice event..
++++++++++Edited on 08 April (added photo)++++++++++

2008 回顾

很快地,2008年即将要成为历史的一部分。而我在这一年里到底做了些什么呢?嗯。。想想一下,好像都不大记得自己干过些什么事,尤其是上半年,下半年还依稀记得。。 LOL
还有该记得的是自己的过失,和做过的蠢事 (SWT。。因为太糊涂了所以做了很多另人发笑的事。。 LOL) ,明年别再犯咯!!
1)拿错Kelvin 的大衣, 害到人家没车架,没屋回。。 SWT
哈哈。。 就写到这儿。。 祝大家新年快乐!!


令人怀念的十一月,从月头到月尾都很精彩,充实,好玩。 哈!

月头刚从KK回来第2天就充当半个导游带着一班同事新山一日吃喝游。可惜,没能和他们一起玩motor hunt (从KL –> JB) 。不过,我这个半桶水导游的认路能力还真的是有待多多加强 。(汗。。)还好第2天去马六甲不用我带路(要不然分分钟带到荷兰去。。 )

接下来真得非常感谢一班同事策划的生日派对。我真的没想到你们会帮我庆祝,而且还这么一大帮人,真得很意外也很开心。谢谢阿祥哥(策划人),SIM SIM (提醒者.. 哈),还有MAX, 你真的是最佳男演员,骗得我傻傻的 哈哈。。还有,谢谢两位美女送花和卡片 (真的没想到竟然送花(Max & Emily Tan, 谢谢你们选的花),害我吓到脸红。。)真是对两位美女不住,连累你们被“摆上台”.. swt.. 还有,晚上的火锅要谢谢tioman trip 的gang member赏脸。嘻。。  最后, 谢谢你们一群大学死党, 那晚在MOS 真的很开心。


接下来到月尾的压轴好戏,公司40周年晚宴。yeah.. 男的都穿得帅气 (我是例外.. swt)..,女的都打扮得美丽,好像在走show。 今年在Hilton KL举办,感觉很好的,食物也很好吃。不过好像没什么真正专注在吃,一直都走来走去,这里拍那里拍。。 哈哈。。 之后的2nd Round, 也是很尽兴 (thx to joshua arrange this) ,不过,我做了件年度蠢事,不小心拿错了同事的大衣结果害他们找了大半夜的车钥匙结果没得好驾车回也没法回家只好睡另一个同事的家(因为车钥匙放在大衣里,房钥匙又放在车里)。paiseh, 真得不好意思。

当然,不是整个月都那么开心,也有一些伤感的事。好一些同事离开了DKC, 另谋高就。Ermm, 其实应该替你们高兴才对,但还是免不了有些舍不得啦。不过人往高处,水往低流, 还是要祝你们在其他地方找到自己理想的事业。

Tax Management Seminar

tax seminar again.. this time we did a better job than last year.. because we got da experience from last year and we hav more time to prepare this year.. so basically we know wat to do for da seminar adi.. 

my role for this seminar basically same as last year where helps to deliver da notes and equipment to hotel.. after that checking laptop, projector, audio, video, mic b4 seminar start.. then setup them during seminar and oso setup da printer at registration counter..

1 day b4 seminar :

from morning busy till afternoon for finalize the cert template, checking slides, printing name tags, etc.. then 6.30pm start to move things into lorry.. around 8.30pm reach hotel and unload things.. check-in and do testing till 11.. after tat printing the name tags till 12am then onli go for dinner.. yeah.. beef noodles at jln alor.. sedapnya.. after so called "dinner" then i had myself soaking in bathtub b4 go to bed.. luckily this time no need 4 ppl sharing 1 room like last year..

seminar day 1:

wake up at 6.30am, then start to setup equipment at da ballroom and do da final checking.. then 8 something go up to hotel room take a shower n change to formal wear then hav 2 standby there.. luckily, this time got da camera with us.. so not tat bored.. haha.. at least can take some funny photo there.. lol

seminar day 2:

swt.. day 2 was funny.. i had contribute my "fisrt time" for da seminar.. first thing is i had pokkai in da hotel when rushing in to da hall.. lucky, onli a few ppl saw that.. lol.. second thing is i got da chance to stand on da stage!! lol..  tat is because there is a moot court session during da seminar.. and i was acting da court clerk in da show.. tatz quite fun sia.. haha