Monthly Archives: December 2007


i tot i’m gonna missed the “汤圆” this year.. however, thx to my kind colleagues bring me da homemade “汤圆”to ease my homesick.. it’s really heart warming..
ermm, besides of eating 汤圆, i cant really remember what is the meaning of 冬至.. izzit celebrate for winter coming or over?? other than tat, it is da last festival in da chinese calendar if i’m not mistaken.. hehe..  btw, for me, da most important things is can gather together to hav 汤圆.. however, since came to KL study n work, the chances gather with family members are become lesser and lesser.. haizz..
kinda miss da time helps mum to 搓汤圆 when i was small.. tat was fun where i can mix da colors of the 汤圆 coz normally mum would prepare color paste of flour in 3 diff color (red, green, and original white).. i still remembered tat i always mix da colors and make it into diff shape instead of sphere..haha.. well.. hope nex year can go back hometown and  搓汤圆 with mum..


最近因公事小小不顺心,而小小的不开心。。以为自己享有半小时 flexi hour *, 不一定要8点准时上班。。结果今天被告知并没有而且还因此迟到了好几天。。 开始时,有一些不爽因为我并不是迟到早退,而且每天还做超过指定的时数。。 不过,反过来想想,其实这也未尝是件好事,既然要8点准时上班那也就是可以让我5:30分下班呀。。 工本来就是做不完的嘛。。到钟就该下班呀。。  
为什么我会这样想是因为之前听过的一个宰相的故事。。 故事时说很久很久以前,某某国有个宰相,他碰到什么事情都会说:“好事来的。。好事来的。。”不管是踩到大便啦还是给鸟粪“砸”到,他都说是好事来的。。有一天他见到国王在舞剑,可是国王一失手不小心割断了脚的小指头。。结果宰相竟然当着国王的面说:“好事来的”,国王听了当场就发飚,马上叫人把宰相关入大牢等候发落。。过了几天,国王和几个大臣一起去森林狩猎,结果不小心误闯食人族的地盘结果就被凶狠的食人族给捉住了。。 那几个大臣就这样一天一个被吃掉了。。最后轮到国王的时候,当食人族把国王的衣服鞋子脱去时,他们突然乱喊乱叫而且离国王远远的。。 结果国王就这样狼狈的逃了回去。。 后来国王才查出这食人族原来有个习惯, 就是不吃身体有缺陷的人。。 国王这时才想起原来是那断了一节的小指救了他一命。。过后他就到大牢里向宰相道谢并释放了他。。 结果宰相就说:“好事来的。。 还好我那时被关入大牢,无法随国王去狩猎。。 要不然我早就被食人族吃了。。”
凡事都有两个面,有好有坏,只是看你怎么去想它罢了。。 如果你把他想成好事,那么再糟糕的事也能变成好事。。如果你把他想成坏事,那事情就会如你所愿,越来越糟。。 所以应该想好的,说好的,做好的。。

worklog : month 4 & 5

long time didn’t update my worklog due to nuthing much special for me to write but actually the reason is my lazyness.. lol.. btw, today got a lil mood to update here coz today is saturday yet i’m still at office right now!! this is da 1st time i came back office at saturday and only me alone in da whole floor now.. swt..
well, for the past 2 months actually there are nuthing much changes but increasing da workload a bit.. swt.. besides tat, i was involve in setup a seminar last week at Crowne Plaza Mutiara (former KL Hilton).. tat was an one man show for me to setup laptops, printer, presentation tools, and coordinate with hotel event team.. lucky i din make any big mistake except for some small things went wrong.. haha.. btw, there are still a lot of thing i still need to improve.. other than tat, the MFP project finally started..several testing and evaluatiion have 2 be done in this month..  btw, i can foresee to get more compliants in future.. swt..
beyond da job, i’ve become entertainment provider and pc repair service man oso.. swt.. "lychee on demand" – only 1 day delay than "Axxxx On Demand" but itz FOC.. haha.. btw for those subscriber, please dun chase me for not deliver on time.. since it is free service.. swt.. unless u ppl willing to refill my candy can/mug.. haha..