Monthly Archives: January 2007


回顾二零零七年一月,一个多事之秋的月份。。南马豪雨成灾,台湾海底光纤电缆因地震断裂引发网络瘫痪,台湾明星许玮伦车祸香消玉陨,还有最严重的是我的PTPTN 竟然没有动静(已经快要抓狂了!)。。虽然没有影响到日常生活,但是令人不满的是为何学弟们都拿到了可是我们的户头还是空空如也。。政府部门的办事效率真的另人不敢恭维。。正如电影 Blood Diamond 里的对白 TIA – This Is Africa” 用来解释一切发生在非洲不合理的事。。而这里可以用 TIM – This Is Malaysia 来形容我们的政府做的事。。 唉。。

GATSBY j-style forever exhibition

Just went to Mid-Valley this afernoon. Planned to buy some clothes for the coming CNY, but only bought a tee after few hours of "living-corpse" walking. When i "draging" my almost broken leg to fifth floor, my sight was attracted by the nice dressed gals standing outside of the exhibition hall to promote the GATSBY event inside there.

Since it was free entree and can kill some time, therefore i decide to go in have a look although i’m not interested in their hair-care products. In my opinion, as long as my hair still growing on top of my head, thatz fine for me LOL. By the way, the things which drawed my attraction most are the Sony PS3 and Nitendo Wii. Wii was so cool!! The remote-control-like controler enable the real action control in the game. There is a tennis game demo there, so the player has to swing the controler here and there like playing real tennis. Next is the modified GTR and Fairlady.

Needless to say, the gals over there are pretty and nice dressed (no wonder i saw many guys bring their DC came..haha). Sigh.. i only can took pic with N70 and almost all pic are blured if view from computer (damn..the zoom function is shit). Haha, since got "free icecream" to wash eyes, its worth even i wasted almost whole afternoon shop there for nothing.. haha..

P/S: typo edited.. 🙂




这样的社会观念这简直是对人类文明的讽刺不是吗?? 罪犯的亲人是无辜的,亲人的过错已让他们的心理受创。。除了默默忍受周围的闲言闲语之外, 有的甚至被迫辞职或调职。。逃避?能逃得到哪里,又避得了多久??社会的排斥无形地扼杀了他们的生存空间。。  这对他们公平吗?


这是我看过《手纸》的感触。。我想这也是电影和原著小说想反映这社会问题吧。。撇开这不谈,整部电影还算不错。。又是山田孝之和泽尻惠里香主演。。不过爱情在这部电影只是点缀, 主菜是男主角和哥哥之间的兄弟情还有他如何面对生活。。而手纸(信的同义?)则是沟通的桥梁。。一封封信件传达着满满的情感与思念。。

my little dog –> lucky

maybe is because of sick, therefore i missed home more now.. besides family members, i missed my small little lucky too.. sigh, almost a month din’t play and ‘sayang’ him already.. how i wish i can back home now.. haizz..

almost 3 years since my mom took him back from aunt.. yet, he still so small sized, not even reach 2kg weight.. even a cat oso bigger than him.. haha.. indeed, he is a funny and weirdy dog.. 1st, he donno how to eat bones.. 2nd, he knows how to catch "xiu keong" (cockroach) LOL.. 3rd, he would peel off the skin of the beans when eating (this skill is pro :D)..

sigh.. the more i write about lucky, the more i missed him.. now i can do nothings but see the pictures..

New Sem / Last Sem

Another new sem started today.. ermm, or i should say this sem most properly will be the last semester in uni.. soon, all of us will leave this place where we had gathered for 3 years.. hope we can have a wonderful sem ever and finally spread our wings to fly with no regrets..
Lesson 1 : What are your advantages ??
BIM (business information mangement) lecturer, Mr. Su had questioned whole class today:
1) What are the advantages of BIS students against CS or ISE students?
2) What are the advantages of UTAR graduates against other local U or oversea graduates?
we could answer first question but the 2nd question i really donno how to answer it.. haiz.. hopefully i can answer it after this 14 weeks of BIM course..

Week of Celebrations

This week is full of events.. Exclude the Hari Raya Haji on 31st last month, we celebrated New Year countdown at Genting Hightland.. Thatz was so cool and cold.. Although we missed most interesting fireworks performance coz stucked in the buiding due to the crowd, only watched the last 30 seconds show.. Then, we had celebrate is Lim’s 22 yr-old birthday yesterday(actually is today).. thanks ya for bring me to clubbing, this was my first time LOL.. yeah, tat was a wonderful nite at ZOUK.. everyone was so high and excited.. haha.. lucky my hand was not allergy and swollen as u guys expected but it doesn’t means i no more allergic against alcohol.. poor ck and ken, we were "xien diao" when see both of them take turns to vomit.. you two better control yourself next time.. haha..
Btw, next monday we gonna "celebrate" another event which is semester start.. sigh.. really "xien diao".. =.=