Monthly Archives: March 2007

Letters from Iwo Jima

Ermm.. indeed a good movie which suppose to win oscar best movie award.. compared to its "sister" movie – Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima was much more interesting than Flags or i should say Flags was too boring lol.. btw, Letters from Iwo Jima is more focus on the war which meets my taste and those japanese actors did a good job on acting especially their facial expressions.. besides, this movie oso described different kinds of humanity during the war.. things learn from the movie: war is ugly and miserable, we should treasure our family..



一共去了四位同学家拜年,KFC, lim, ann chee, “Uncle” Hook(谢谢你们的热情款待。。哈!)间中,还顺道参观了佛光山东禅寺。。百闻不如一见,东禅寺果然好大,好美。。最后一站 “Uncle” Hook家是最搞笑的一站。。谢谢你的红包,想不到我们同年但你已经可以派红包了,所以得叫你一声 “UNCLE” LOL 。。还有你的名句“小赌怡情,大赌陶冶性情”我们会记住的。。 虽然我们给你杀的片甲不留但绝对值得。。哈哈。。说不定改天你开家另类搞笑赌场,应该会大赚吧。。

p/sUncle Hook, 谢谢你今天请的午餐.. haha